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My Personal Mission

My experiences give me a story to tell.

The stroke at 16 years old made me more aware of how to listen to my body, and I learned how to reconnect with physical form and its use.

The seizures that came after, would eventually reconnect me to the intuition I once thought was lost.

My neurodivergence would fuel me to study for hours, days, and years.

All of my experiences and studies have confirmed MY passion and personal mission.

I did 10 years of inner and outer work to craft Dr. Z - Manifestation Practice.

Now I am thankful to provide practical tools and incite powerful transformations for those willing to do the work.

You spend so much time helping others, NOW, it is time to refill your cup.

You want peace, strength and confirmation that you are taking the right steps towards your goals.

THIS is your sign, my lovely!

Go ahead and fill out the form so YOU can experience what others keep talking about!

Take this first step now...

Meeting form link in comments.

Photography Annaka Rochelle

#meditation #findingpeace #privatepractice #lifecoaching #wellness #energyhealing